Apple Watch App Store
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Get your product page ready App Name and DescriptionYour iPhone app and your watchOS app share one name and one description. HERE
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Build with the watchOS 6 SDK Build your apps using Xcode 11, test them on devices running watchOS 6, and submit them for review.. WatchOS app screenshots used on the App Store are 368 x 448 pixels (44 mm) or 312 x 390 pixels (42 mm).. Creating an Independent watchOS AppwatchOS 6 lets you leverage the power of iOS frameworks and technologies to create a fully independent app experience on Apple Watch.. And for the first time, you can build an app just for Apple Watch, without a companion app on iOS. 2
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Equipped with a set of advanced process models, which include default parameters calibrated with data from equipment vendors, Sentaurus Process provides a predictive framework for simulating a broad range of technologies from nanoscale CMOS to large-scale high-voltage power devices.. Apple Watch should always be written in English, even when it appears within text of another language. HERE
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It is a new-generation process simulator for addressing the challenges found in current and future process technologies.. Also avoid placing your watchOS app within your iPhone app screenshots With watchOS 6, customers around the world can use the App Store on Apple Watch to easily discover, browse, search, and install apps directly on their wrist.. Integrate machine learning, Shortcuts and Siri experiences, complications, and notifications to bring users timely information and provide an easy way to complete quick actions no matter where they are.. Synopsys tcad sentaurus Sentaurus Process is an advanced 1D, 2D and 3D process simulator for developing and optimizing silicon semiconductor process technologies.. The phrase Apple Watch cannot be included in your app name, but can be included in the description. b0d43de27c
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App IconYour watchOS app icon should be visually similar to your iOS app icon to show users that they are connected.. Optimizing Your AppDeliver even more valuable user experiences with SwiftUI, Streaming Audio, Extended Runtime, and more on watchOS 6.. Maximize the number of words that fit in this character limit by avoiding terms such as watch and app.. Do not use the phrase Apple Watch For more information on writing effective keywords, read the App Store Product page. 5